In Honor of Someone

You are electing to donate in honor of a special living person or event.
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Donation Amount: $
Please make gift in honor of: Name:

Your personalized message to the honoree may be entered here. Limit 210 characters (including spaces and punctuation):

Send acknowledgement of donation to:
If you would prefer to select where your gift will be applied, please make a selection from the dropdown menu:
If your donation is being designated for books, would you like bookplates to be placed in our purchases in honor of this person or event? Please check Yes, if so.

After you submit this information, you will be asked to complete your transaction via credit card. Or, print this form and mail with a check payable to OC Public Libraries to: OC Public Libraries, 1501 E. St. Andrew Pl., Santa Ana, CA 92705.